The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2. “Go to the great city of
Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up
before me.”
But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to
Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he
went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.
Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that
the ship threatened to break up. 5. All the sailors were afraid and each cried
out to his own god. And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship.
But Jonah had gone below the deck, where he lay
down and fell into a deep sleep. 6. The captain went to him and said, “How can
you sleep? Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us so that
we will not perish.”
Flees From the Lord.
(Jonah 1:1-6).
book of Jonah in the bible was written by the prophet of the same name under
the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It was because of cases like this that we are
able to study the word of God today.
bible states that the word of the Lord came to Jonah and said, “Go
to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come
up before me. But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went
down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the
fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD.’ (Jonah
1:2-3 NIV)
was in Israel when God requested that he go to Nineveh, a city situated on the
way to Iraq and Tarshish in the direction of Spain. If we take notice of this,
God asked Jonah to head East but he actually heads towards the West.
Why did
Jonah refuse to preach the word of God in Nineveh? This is because Nineveh is
the capital of Assyria. During this
time, Assyria and Israel were enemies. Jonah thought that if a war were to
break out, the Israelites would be defeated. He was a prophet after all, Jonah
knows that the LORD hates sin therefore Jonah didn’t want to afford the Assyrians
the chance to confess their sins and have them forgiven. They would remain
sinners and God would punish them and the Israelites wouldn’t have to go to
battle to be the victors.
brothers and sisters in Christ, Jonah followed his own way of thinking, making
excuses for why he didn’t follow God’s instruction. Has Jonah sinned against
God? What about us? Do we follow God’s instruction? His word teaches us “Do
not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love
for the Father is not in them.” (1 John 2:15 NIV). Things of the world,
what does that mean? There’s a saying in Vietnamese that when translated it means
such is the love for money that you’re even reluctant to spend silver coins. Truth
be told, we do need certain materialistic things to survive in this world. God
knows this. He has blessed us with a place to live, cars and financial
stability. This is already more than enough. We should be wary of wanting our
homes to be larger and grander than others and desiring our cars to be the
latest models. Furthermore, we shouldn’t worry ourselves with keeping our
treasures here on Earth. Let’s live our lives according to the word of God “If
we have food and clothing, we will be content with that” (1Timothy 6:8
NIV) and not focus on increasing our wealth beyond measure for “those
who want to get rich fall into temptation” (1Timothy 6:9 NIV).
bible also teaches us not to be money hungry and for those who are slaves to it
is in themselves like Jonah, God gives an instruction to go one way and we end
up going down a completely different path.
ran away from the Lord in a bid to hide from His view. Dear brothers and
sisters in Christ, do you feel like chuckling when you hear this? How is it
even possible to hide from the almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing God’s view? The
Psalmist says “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you
are there.” (Psalms 139:7-8 NIV).
Therefore today, when we do anything we should remember that we cannot avoid
God, He sees all things and He knows all things, every little detail that we conceal
from others we cannot hide from Him.
Lord commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh and instead he went to elsewhere. He went
down to Joppa and found a ship bound for a port in Tarshish. Jonah asked how
much the fare was, paid it and boarded. Everything went smoothly and it appears
as if one event simply flowed nicely onto the next. Does this mean that God has
blessed Jonah’s decision?
was a person who wanted to claim more welfare money and went to the social
security office, telling the officer there that he had separated from his wife
and asked for a form to fill out. The request was put through by the officers
and the man earned more welfare thereafter. He went home once all was approved
and boasted to everyone. “God has blessed me! Everything went well, no
difficulties encountered.” Brothers and sisters, what do you think? Was it God
who oversaw this? Let’s think back to Eve who gave in to the devil’s temptation
and ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. God didn’t intervene or
force her not to. In that moment, Eve was able to pick the fruit and eat it.
Just because she was able to, doesn’t mean that the very thing Eve did was
because the Lord blessed her. God was simply respecting Eve’s freedom of choice
therefore, we need to be wary of what we do and take personal responsibility
for our actions.
story of Jonah continues, “But the LORD sent a strong wind on the sea,
and the storm was so violent that the ship was in danger of breaking up.” (Jonah
1:4 NIV). Anyone who has been a
refugee by boat knows that one of the biggest fears while navigating the seas are storms. But the
fear isn’t just limited to this, severe storms can happen on land as well. An
example of the devastation and destruction that can result from these natural
disasters is Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. These can happen anywhere, even in a
powerful first world country like America.
are afraid of these natural disasters occurring but for us, we need to be
fearful of the storms that can rage in our families, our congregation and in
our wider church community as well. If we’re not careful, these can damage the
happiness and foundation of some of the most important relationships in our
Dear Friends,
why do you think the boat Jonah was travelling on experienced such rough
conditions? It is because of Jonah’s sin. This is akin to our own families, if
we store sin within the four walls of our home, then such storms like the one
Jonah faced will hit as well. The word of God teaches in Hosea 8:7 “When
they sow the wind, they will reap a storm!” Sowing the wind in our
families involves parents not taking law and order seriously, husbands and
wives lying and cheating, dishonest children, one person holding a grudge
against another… Even though these issues that crop up in our families mightn’t
be a big deal, they can in time build up to become real problems. This is why
we hear people lament and say, my family is not blessed.
Jonah decided to go into hiding from God, he paid his fare, boarded a ship at
Joppa and went “below and was lying in the ship’s hold, sound asleep.” (Jonah
1:5 NIV). We see here that Jonah was heading on a down slope.
following God, our lives are on an upward trajectory. Hymn number 242 contains
the lyrics “The Lord uplifts me, higher and higher”. Experience would tell us
that moving uphill is difficult and going downhill easy. We lie in bed on
Sunday mornings, thinking it would be much easier than sitting up and getting
ready for church. A spiritual life going downhill manifests itself in not
wanting to attend church, not reading God’s word, easily angered, judgemental, and
meagre when it comes to offerings… Not wanting to think of what ways one can
serve the Lord, what ways would please Him?
Jonah went below to the ship’s hold, he believed that he was safe. He had no
qualms with anyone on board, the captain and crew and could sleep soundly in
this knowledge. Jonah was at peace with everyone except God. Why? Because he
had not followed the Lord’s will and had acted on his own. It is because of
this that Jonah’s path would not be straight.
there are many who are just like this. Isaiah says “All of us were like sheep that
were lost, each of us going his own way…” (Isaiah 53:6 NIV). At
times, we are like Jonah, acting upon our own thoughts and desires. In doing
so, we are opposing God. Those who do are “far away from God and were his enemies” (Colossians
1:21 NIV). When we are far from God, there is no way that we can be at peace.
sinned against God and even though he went far below the ship’s hold and fell
asleep, he would still face trouble. The storm was threatening the ship. Everyone
on board was afraid. They tried to throw cargo overboard to lighten the load.
All were praying to their gods to save them, however we know that these idols “do
not really exist” (1Corinthians 8:4 NIV).
Because of this, the storm did not subside. The captain rushed
to wake Jonah and said “What are you doing asleep? Get up and pray
to your god for help!” (Jonah 1:6 NIV).
everyone was frantic and believing that they would die at sea, Jonah was
sleeping soundly! Why was he able to do this, despite the situation? Perhaps
Jonah thought that because he was a believer he would be saved regardless, his
name has already been written in the book of life. Jonah rest assured that this
was the case. Do you think this is the right attitude?
is there any brother and sister in Christ who has that same thought process? We
have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, of course we’re going to go
heaven and be with our God. Whoever is not, then that’s their business? If so,
do you think that this pleases God? The Lord is able to send a storm into our
lives to awaken us.
brothers and sisters in Christ, we all know that life is short. Moses noted in
Psalms “Seventy years is all we have – eighty years, if we are strong… life is
soon over, and we are gone” (Psalms 90:10 NIV). It was only the other
day that we were young and all of a sudden we’re not! Where did the time go?
Time flies and if we don’t make the most of it, we’re going to feel as though
it’s wasted; time watching TV, playing video games, time spent on things that
have little benefit. It won’t be long until our time will run out and we will
step into eternity, not spreading the good news to anyone else while we were
still here on Earth. And then when we meet our God, what will we say to Him?
Don’t let that be a regret that you carry.
did not follow God’s plan to preach at Nineveh. What about you my friends? The
word of God says “…but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with
power, and you will be witnesses for me” (Acts 1:8). The Lord calls us
and the Spirit reminds us to share the amazing gift He gave us in the form of
His one and only Son. We can’t say to Him “God, in time, just a few more days”.
We make these promises but we can easily forget, isn’t it?
My brothers
and sisters in Christ, go out and love others, share the good news with those
who are still living in sin and bring them to know Jesus Christ so that they
can be saved. We are called to do good works like this. The bible teaches “… if
we do not do the good we know we should do, we are guilty of sin” (James
4:17 NIV). What do you all think? We know what is good, so do we act on
I pray that God will give each
and every one of us the strength to reject our own will so that we can follow
His, that we will remain alert and ready, not falling asleep like Jonah did
when the Lord calls. I pray that God will bless us with the words and
opportunity to spread the good news so that more people will come to know the
unending, merciful love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Rev Thanh Huu Tran.
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